A-level English/The Miller's Prologue and Tale/Past Paper Questions

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In what ways was the miller compared to animals?

Explore the ways Chaucer presents fourteenth century attitudes towards women in The Miller's Prologue and Tale

Remind yourself of lines 199 - 243 (from "Thanne fil it thus, that to the parissh chirche" to " For curteisie, he seide, he wolde noon"), in which The Miller introducesthe character of Absolon.

What is the importance of this section in the whole of The Miller's Prologue and Tale?

In the Miller's Prologue Chaucer informs us that the Miller told his churles tale "in his manere". Explore the ways that the Miller's character is reflected in The Miller's Tale.

What do you find interesting about the way that Chaucer satirises the code of Courtly Love in The Miller's Prologue and Tale?

Remind yourself of lines 113 - 162 (from "This carpenter hadde wedded newe a wyf," to "Or yet for any good yeman to wedde." in which the Miller first describes Alison.

What is the importance of this section in the context of the whole of The Miller's Prologue and Tale?