Mapping on YouTube/2014/May 2014

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May 19, 2014

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  • Eighth Wiki War
    • GanDaiMe11 jokingly declares that he wants to destroy the Wiki. Sunburn9000Epic, MrOwnerandPwner, and Disturbedfan1100 take it seriously, and after pressure, GanDaiMe11 removes the joke. Then, he says that the people who took it seriously are stupid. Many other users then debate with him on if it was a joke or not, and GanDaiMe11, thinking that they are trying to fight him, declares war on them. Sunburn9000Epic and Disturbedfan1100 then fight against him with tanks, with Percy (IhorPrTV) then declared emergency for the UMF. Sunburn9000Epic makes a blog post called Eight wiki war which details what happened in the war. GanDaiMe11 and Sunburn9000Epic debate in the blog post who declared war on each other, before most of the factions declared neutrality. Eventually, the war ends with GanDaiMe11 apologizing.

May 20, 2014

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  • Ninth Wiki War
    • Goombasaurusrex, as the leader of the GDA, declares war on the HDA, lead by Happydance9. Happydance9 then allies with the NMU and the UPMU to fight against the GDA.

May 21, 2014

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  • Ninth Wiki War
    • The thread War is created by Happydance9. He then invades the GCA with the UPMU. However, Mind1337 mapping invades the HDA and GMA back. Batran99 intervenes and suggests solving the war by playing a video game, like Team Fortress 2. However, Sunburn9000Epic and Disturbedfan1100 disagree, saying that they are not allowed to play violent video games. Eventually, EthanKoenigsbergand Happydance9 make a peace treaty. Goombasaurusrex intervenes and starts invading the HDA due to him thinking that the treaty is unfair, which provokes Happydance9. EthanKoenigsberg proposes that the HDA will cede some land to the GCA, which they both accept.