Question Writer Manual/Basic Navigation

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Basic Navigation

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The normal screen view has 4 parts:

1. At the top there is the menu bar with drop down menus and
2. a tool bar with buttons for a selection of the most frequent actions from the menu.

The rest of the screen is split in two -

3. on the left is the action panel where you can see the questions you have added in a tree structure and
4. on the right is the preview panel where the quiz will be displayed if preview is selected.

As you take actions, eg adding a question, a properties window will pop up and you can tick boxes or enter text as required.

When you click on Preview you will get a preview of whatever you have selected so if have first clicked on the Quiz icon (in the left hand pane or Action Panel) you will be given a preview of the whole quiz. If you have selected a particular question in the Action Panel when you click on Preview you will see a preview of that question only.

You can also right click on either the quiz icon or the individual questions in the tree structure and you will be able to choose an action from a drop down menu.