
From Wikibooks, open books for an open world
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SwisTrack 4 is available under the GNU General Public License (GPLv3). This license grants you the right to freely use it for your research or industrial application.

The development of SwisTrack is indeed a collaborative effort and involves several research labs and researchers. Take part in this collaborative effort and help improving SwisTrack!


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If you implement a component that somebody else may find useful, send it to the SwisTrack maintainers for inclusion in the SwisTrack main branch. This not only allows other labs to use your work, but also makes it easier for your and your fellow researchers to install SwisTrack in a new setup.


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Do you use SwisTrack for something out-of-the-ordinary? Did you run fancy experiments using SwisTrack? Did you interface SwisTrack with another program/system?

Write a wikibook page about your setup and send the files (SwisTrack configuration, scripts, source code, ...) to the SwisTrack developer mailing list for inclusion in the SwisTrack main branch.

Spread the Word

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Let your fellow researchers know about SwisTrack, and show them how easy it is to track your robots, animals or other agents!

  • (Poster, IROS 2008 conference)

If you use SwisTrack for your research experiments, mention SwisTrack in your publication and include a reference to the SwisTrack wikibook.

Bugs? Wishes? Ideas?

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We are always open for bugs reports, wishes or ideas. Feel free to contact the current maintainer, or send an email to the swistrack-devel mailing list.

Developers and Contributors

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