CAT-Tools/OmegaT/Installation manual for Debian GNU/Linux

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Installing OmegaT in Debian GNU/Linux

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This is a description for installing OmegaT in Debian Lenny for absolute newbies. Both the console and GUI ways of installing the program are described.

If you have Debian Jessie, change 'Lenny' for 'Jessie' in the instructions.

Console way

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Open 'XTerm' or similar under 'Xshells' in the Debian menu. This opens a console. it should look like this:


or similar. Whenever I say that you have to enter something in the console, it means entering something after the $ or # sign and that you have to press the return key after inputting it. Enter:


in the console. This asks the computer if you can become root and make changes to the system settings. The computer asks for your password, please enter it. You should now see something like this:


Now type in

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

You have to make sure that you are accepting 'non-free' and 'contrib' software from Debian in order to install omegat and the necessary java programs whose licences don't fall into Debian's strict definition of free. Look for your main Debian repository:

deb lenny main contrib non-free

Yours may look different, but there should only be a few lines and it's not the one with 'security' or 'multimedia' in the name, or the one that starts with 'deb-src' or the one that you just added. Anyway, you have to make sure that the word 'contrib' and 'non-free' is included at the end of that line. Once you've entered everything hit 'Ctrl-X', then the letter 'y', and then enter. This should take you back to:


Now you have to type:

apt-get update

this will only work if you have an internet connection. If you do, the computer will now retrieve a list of all programs available for download. Okay, now all you have to do is type in

apt-get install omegat

and it should install, just type 'Y' to any questions that are asked and accept the licence from java. Once everything has successfully installed, type:


Updating the menu

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in the console. You should now find OmegaT under: Debian Menus > Applications > Office > OmegaT
This will only work if the 'menu' package is installed. If it isn't, become root again:


enter your password, and install 'menu' with:

apt-get install omegat

After its installed, type:


and retype:


The GUI way

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Open the 'Synaptic' under Debian Menu > System > Package Management > Synaptic
The computer asks for your password, type it in followed by enter. Click on 'Settings' and then click 'Repositories'.

You also to make sure that you are accepting 'non-free' and 'contrib' software from Debian in order to install omegat and the necessary java programs whose licences don't fall into Debian's strict definition of free. Highlight your Debian repository, mine looks like the following:


Yours may look different, but there should only be four to six lines and it's not the one with 'security' or 'multimedia' in the name, or the one that you just added. Anyways, you have to make sure that the words:

non-free contrib

are included after 'Sections:', if not add it. Click 'OK' now and the Repositories popup should disappear. A popup window reminds you to reload your repository information. Click 'Close' and do this by clicking 'Reload'.

Now, click 'Search' and do a search for 'omegat' Highlight 'omegat' and right-click it, click 'Mark for Installation' and a popup will appear telling you what additional programs have to be installed. Click 'Mark' to accept this, the popup will disappear. Now click 'Apply' at the top of the screen and the install will begin.

You'll also be ask if you trust the source, you do, click 'OK'. So now OmegaT is installing. Answer all questions with ok or yes.

Omegat should appear in the menu under Debian > Application > Office > Omegat, sometimes you'll have to log out or reboot before it appears. If it still doesn't appear, Then the 'menu' package is not installed. You'll have to install it in Synaptic the same way that you just installed OmegaT. Open Synaptic and enter your password. Now, click 'Search' and do a search for 'menu'. Highlight 'menu' and right-click it, click 'Mark for Installation' and a popup will appear telling you what additional programs have to be installed. Click 'Mark' to accept this, the popup will disappear. Now click 'Apply' at the top of the screen and the install will begin.