GCSE Modern History/The Other Treaties

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There were a number of other treaties that dealt with the other defeated countries.

Treaty of St Germain (1919)

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This treaty dealt with Austria. The terms were:

  • Bohemia and Moravia taken to form the new state of Czechoslovakia.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia taken to form the new state of Yugoslavia.
  • Galicia given to Poland.
  • Some land lost to Italy.
  • Austria's army was restricted to 30,000 men, and it could not unite with Germany.

Treaty of Neuilly (1919)

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  • Bulgaria lost land to Greece, Austria and Hungary.
  • Lost access to mediterranean sea.
  • Pay £100 Million in reparations.

Treaty of Trianon (1920)

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  • Transylvania from Hungary to Romania
  • Slovak and Ruthenian territory to Czechoslovakia
  • Slovenian and Croatian territory to Yugoslavia
  • 3 Million Hungarians ended up living in other countries
  • Economy suffered so never paid reparations

Treaty of Sevres (1920)

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  • Turkey lost control of the Dardanelles Strait which became an international waterway.

Many of these territorial losses were insignificant, as Turkey had already lost control of them. This treaty forced them to accept this fact though.

Italy complained that they got very little, and felt that they should receive more land. However, Britain cited that Italy joined the First World War on Germany's side, and changed when Britain was winning. This was one of the reasons that Italy joined the Axis alliance, against Britain, in the Second World War.