History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Radio in ANZ/Issues/1923 04 04

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WorldRadioHistory.com's scan of Radio in Australia and New Zealand - Vol. I No. 01 - 4 April 1923 has been utilised to create the partial content for this page and can be downloaded at this link to further extend the content and enable further text correction of this issue: Radio in ANZ 1923 04 04

In general, only content which is required for other articles in this Wikibook has been entered here and text corrected. The material has been extensively used, inter alia, for compilation of biographical articles, radio club articles and station articles.

Front Cover

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Issued every second Wednesday — Sixpence

RADIO IN AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND — incorporating "Sea, Land and Air"

VOL I. — APRIL 4, 1923 — No. 1






Registered at G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post as a newspaper.

Inside Front Cover - William Adams & Co Ltd Ad

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Indispensable to and Dental the Medical Professions NO BATTERIES. £4/-/- Complete in neat case, The nbove enth'ely dispenses with dry celle, nccumnlators, etc:-., llght is absolutely 1nex- bnustible, and nlw:1;ve there when required. Lnmp cn.n be u1:1ed without Lnryngoscope, thn• llavlug a <lonhle purpoee. Connection Is by menDR ot nn 1netnutnueoue contact plog.

NO REFILLS. £4/-/- Complete in neat case. Fur working, operate lever, ns illuRtro.ted, &D long n~ light is reqnirNl. AccessoriP~ wlth this outfit m·e <IS follows:-Angled conenve mirror, tongue ])lute, three epecial lllliguifying · bulbH, contact ping and tlex. All . bright pnrts nre 11tnted. Tt.e entll'e outOt c~n be e:1rrled · hi your pocket.

"Electro-Automate" Pocket Lamp The "Electro-Automate" is a self-generating Electric Pocket Lamp, -the construction of which is carefully carried out by specially skilled clock-mak ers. J'_he "Electro-Automate" is beautifully finisheli in polished aluminium, without a battery or accumulator; no batteries, accumulators, or refills -ot a ny kind are required. T0 operate the Iii.mp all that is needed _is to work the lever, and the result is the production of an inexhaustible ·bright light. The electrlcoJ generator is totally enclosed, the cover being perfectly -tight and dust-prnof. The machine is perfectly moisture-proof-in fact, can be operated under water, without detrimental effect. 'The "Electro-Automate" will everywhere render the utmost service, ,giving a t will a clear white light. PRICE, 35/- EACH. Wholesale Prices on app::ication,

CBTAINABLE FROM WILLIAM ADAMS & CO. LTD. 175 CLARENCE STREET, SYDNEY . .Howard Smith Chambers, Street, Newca stle, N.S.W.

P.01 - Contents Banner

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Managing Editor: S. E. TATHAM Associate Editor: M. DIXON


Volume I. APRIL 4, 1923 Number 1

P.01 - Contents

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Radiotorial . . . Page 3

Wireless Work on Board "G.B.E." . . . Page 4

The Value of a Good Earth and Counterpoise In Transmitting . . . Page 6

New Zealand Amateur's Record . . . Page 8

The Experimenters' Corner . . . Page 10

Radio Fun . . . Page 11

In Radio Land . . . Page 12

Club Notes and News . . . Page 14

When Radio Enters the Home . . . Page 16

Call Letters . . . Page 18

The Link that Will Bind . . . Page 20

The Deaf Hear . . . Page 21

Obituary: Mr. L. L. Meredith . . . Page 22

Queries Answered . . . Page 24

P.01 - Publication Notes

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Published by: THE WIRELESS PRESS, 97 CLARENCE ST., SYDNEY; 422-24 Lt. Collins St., Melbourne; Australasia Chambers, Wellington, N.Z.

PRICE, 6d. per Copy; Subscription Rate, 10/- per annum (26 issues) throughout Australia and New Zealand; Foreign Rate, 12/6 (26 issues)


Canada and United States of America: The Wireless Press Inc., 326 Broadway, New York City

Great Britain: The Wireless Press Ltd., 12-13 Henrietta St., London, W.C.2

P.02 - Ads

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Radio Company Ad

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O'Sullivan's Electric Shop

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P.03 - Radiotorial

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"Radio" Makes Its Bow

The publication of a new journal necessarily calls for a statement of policy. The publishers of "Radio" feel that Australian and New Zealand wireless engineers, operators and experimenters are entitled to know something about the aims and aspirations of this new paper, which now bids for their support. It is hardly necessary to emphasise that the cardinal point in our policy is the general advancement of radio in Australia and New Zealand. With that as our objective we feel confident of enlisting the enthusiastic support of the whole of the wireless fraternity in the wide area over which "Radio" will circulate. The launching of this new journal is not a project that has been undertaken lightly. Careful enquiry has revealed the type of magazine required to meet the needs of the ever-growing army of those interested in wireless. It is our confident belief that at the very outset we can produce that magazine and keep on producing it. In giving this undertaking we are conscious of the fact that the standard of the readers amongst whom "Radio" will circulate is exceptionally high. Australian and New Zealand amateurs have demonstrated on numerous occasions that the skill and enterprise required to achieve something of outstanding importance in the field of radio research and experiment is an important part in their make-up. To cater for the needs of these enterprising young men will be the constant aim of "Radio." We believe we can give them the articles and information they need, and which, up to the present, they have had to depend on getting from text books and overseas publications. For the raw beginner — the experimenter, who is in his swaddling clothes — we have also a special message. It is our intention to feature simple technical articles which will enable him to climb, step by step, to the goal at which every experimenter aims. Last, but not least, we recognise that in the near future thousands of homes in Australia and New Zealand will be equipped with receiving sets. The possessors of those sets will want to know how to derive the utmost pleasure and benefit from their ability to "listen in" to the musical items and other information broadcasted for their especial benefit. The new magazine will endeavour to render a service to these people which will ensure that "Radio" will enter the home in a double sense. With this plain statement of policy, "Radio" makes its bow to the experimenters of Australia and New Zealand.

Radio Experimenting

The fear has been expressed in some quarters that, owing to the delay which has occurred in the commencement of broadcasting, many experimenters are in danger of losing their enthusiasm, and business is likely to become dull. Such an assertion can do no good, and is likely to do a great deal of harm, mainly because many experimenters are likely to accept it as an authentic statement regarding the position of radio in Australia. It is beyond question that many experimenters embraced radio as a hobby chiefly because it appealed to them as something which provided interest, education and amusement not otherwise obtainable. These young men were naturally very enthusiastic at the outset, and felt that the goal of their ambition would be reached when they were able to "listen in" and hear Morse signals, music or speech. Because they were not able to do this immediately their optimistic outlook was in danger of becoming clouded. A moment's consideration will convince anyone interested in radio that the field for experiment is so limitless that after the first flush of disappointment at not being able to pick up broadcast music, etc., immediately has worn off those enthusiasts who have undertaken the hobby will settle down to work along lines which offer a fruitful field for experiment. There is so much to be learned about radio that no experimenter need feel disappointed at not being able to plunge into the joys of home receiving in the early days of his radio career. The goal to be aimed at is the complete mastery of the practical and theoretical sides of the science, and when the experimenter has advanced far along that road he will find himself well equipped to undertake the most intricate work into which ambition or circumstances may lead him.

P.04 - Wireless Work on board "GBE"

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Wireless Work on board "GBE", The Well-known Trans-Pacific Liner, "Niagara"

By S. E. Tatham

PRACTICALLY every wireless operator and experimenter in Australia and New Zealand has at some time heard the call letters GBE speeding through the ether at 186,000 miles per second flashing messages to various coast and ship stations. Those three wireless call letters — GBE — belong to the Canadian-Australian Trans-Pacific R.M.S. Niagara, the flagship of the Union Steamship Company of N.Z., Ltd., and the biggest vessel plying between Australia and New Zealand and the West Coast of America. As the Niagara is such a commodious ship and so well known and popular among the travelling public, we will get to the point and take a peep into the wireless telegraph office, located on the boat deck. Here, from the time the Niagara leaves one wharf until arrival at the next, a continuous watch is maintained throughout. Visit the wireless office any time at sea, day or night, and one of the operators will be found on duty busy handling traffic. For this purpose three operators are carried, and at the time this was written Messrs. W. J. Martin, E.W. Coldwell and W. P. D'Arcy were the senior, second and third operators respectively on the Niagara, whose photographs are reproduced herewith.

(Start Photo Caption) Wireless Operators on "Niagara." Left to. Right: Messrs. E. W. Coldwell (2nd), W. J. Martin (1st), and W. P. D'Arcy (3rd). (End Photo Caption)

The number of messages sent to and from the Niagara is really enormous, many thousands of words being handled each voyage. But handling between one and two hundred messages in twenty-four hours is all part of a day's work at GBE.

(Start Photo Caption) The Canadian-Australian R.M.S. "Niagara" leaving Sydney, N.S.W., for Vancouver, B.C., via New Zealand, Fiji and Honolulu. (End Photo Caption)

Obviously the wireless apparatus for such a station must be of the best type, and the Niagara's installation is maintained and operated by Amalgamated Wireless (A'asia), Ltd. The transmitter is a 2½ K.W. quenched spark set, and, in addition to this, there is an emergency set, which can be operated from a special battery of accumulators should the main power fail. The receiving apparatus is the most up-to-date in the world to-day, and is known as a "P1" panel type receiver, designed and manufactured in Australia by Amalgamated Wireless. This receiver has given excellent results, and will receive both wireless telegraph and telephone signals on wavelengths up to 25,000 metres. Regularly every trip GBE works various stations direct at least 4,000 miles distant, and in many cases over 5,000 miles. On board the Niagara all wireless messages for transmission are accepted at the enquiry office, and the ship is not far outside Sydney Heads when passengers commence sending farewell greetings to their friends ashore. Additional to "greetings," "au-revoir," "fine weather," "miss you very much," and all sorts of other cheer-up messages, many business men from all parts of the world who travel on the GBE continually utilise the wireless office for keeping in touch with their business on shore. Then messages pertaining to general ship's business are handled, these including advices regarding time of arrival, stores and water required, etc., etc. Auckland (New Zealand) is the first port of call after Sydney, and the day prior to arrival GBE is sending and receiving all kinds of messsages to and from passengers and their Maori-land friends. Immediately Auckland is left GBE commences to work the first tropical radio station on the run across the Pacific, situated at Suva (Fiji), call letters VPD. This station is well-known by all operators and a number of experimenters in New Zealand and Australia, who have heard VPD working other islands and ships. Simultaneously with VPD, the first American radio stations are heard working, Pago Pago, Samoa (NPU), Honolulu (KHK) coming into range on 600 metres wavelength. On long waves, between 10,000 and 25,000 metres, many stations are heard, including Manila, Philippine Islands (NPO), Pearl Harbour (NPM), San Francisco (NPG), Bolinas, Cal. (KET), Annapolis (NSS), Carnarvon, Wales (MUU), Saint Assise, France (UFT), and others too numerous to mention. These stations can be regularly intercepted every day of the voyage between Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Honolulu and Vancouver, and read quite comfortably. Wireless men generally will recognise the modernity and sensitivity of the P1 panel type receiver installed on the Niagara when it is stated that only one valve is used to receive the stations above mentioned. After leaving Suva the run to Honolulu is commenced, and on 600 metres many more commercial stations are heard as the ship gets further north. San Francisco (KPH), the well-known Radio Corporation's coast station and the Canadian Government coast station at Estevan, Vancouver Island (VAE) come within range, and passengers can send messages direct to Canada and the United States when still several thousand miles away.

(Start Photo Caption) A corner of the Wireless Office on the "Niagara," showing an operator at work receiving messages with the "P1" Panel Type Receiver. (End Photo Caption)

After crossing the equator most of the Australian and New Zealand coastal and intercolonial ships are out of range, but then Canadian and American ships are heard, as well as broadcasting stations at Honolulu and the mainland of America; but very little time is given to listening to broadcasting on ships at sea, as the operators are generally too busy, and it is against rules to be off 600 metres wave-length for long, except as provided for in the international wireless regulations. Throughout the voyage Press messages are copied from wireless stations in various parts of the world, and thus passengers are kept posted of world affairs every day. Shortly a daily newspaper will be published on the Niagara while at sea. Between Honolulu and Vancouver, the last lap of the three weeks' voyage, traffic pours in. Passengers wireless for hotel accommodation, and those travelling overland make railway reservations, as well as advising their friends of their arrival, etc. So it can be readily understood that the operators on the GBE are kept busy. In between watches the operators sleep and have plenty of recreation on deck, and join in the numerous shipboard games and dances held on the voyage. In port they are free most of the time, and after a stay of seven days in Vancouver the Niagara departs homeward bound to Australia, and then again for three weeks GBE is flashing messages to all points of the Pacific and to ships at sea. The three operators are all experts at their work, and with the highly efficient transmitting and receiving apparatus installed are able to give passengers aboard the Niagara a speedy, reliable and accurate wireless service every day throughout the voyage. It is by no means a stretch of imagination to say these men are kept busy at sea, and on the homeward voyage immediately Australian and New Zealand coast stations come within range they know Sydney is not far distant, where, on arrival, they will have a week's spell before commencing another run of over 7,000 miles across the Pacific.

P.06 - Value of a Good Earth and Counterpoise

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The Value of a Good Earth and Counterpoise in Transmitting

By Chas. D. Maclurcan - (Special to "Radio")

QUITE a number of experimenters in Australia now have transmitting licenses, and no doubt many more will obtain them in the near future, so that it will not be out of place to consider questions of efficiency in connection with the transmitting station. The power allowed experimenters by the regulations varies according to the position of the amateur's station in relation to land stations, but, in the city area at any rate, it usually is from 10 to 25 watts input. At first thought this may seem a ridiculously small amount of power, and a few years ago would have been considered hardly enough to send across the back yard, QRM permitting. But this power, low as it may seem, can be made to cover remarkable distances, provided the apparatus used is efficiently designed and constructed. The writer has transmitted C.W. telegraphy over 2,000 miles on less than nine watts input power; so there should be no difficulty in covering at least 500 miles at night with a properly designed 10-watt set. Perhaps the most important part of the station to be considered is the aerial-earth system. Often it is a very difficult problem, because one is largely governed by the physical features of the property on which the aerial is to be erected. But whatever these features may be, three important points should be remembered when designing an aerial. Firstly, the ohmic resistance must be kept as low as possible; secondly, losses by absorption must be guarded against, and, thirdly, a good earthing system is essential. Almost any type of aerial and earth connection will give good results for receiving, but it is quite another story when it comes to transmitting long distances with a minimum of power. The best method of reducing the resistance losses in a transmitting aerial is to erect a counterpoise (or earth screen, as it is sometimes called) in addition to a good earth. But before going on to the discussion of this a few words about the earthing system will be helpful. Most experimenters use the water pipe for their earth, and this answers very well. For transmitting, however, at least three separate leads, of not less than 7/20 copper wire, should be run and all soldered to the waterpipe. It will, of course, be necessary to turn off the water at the meter before attempting the soldering. One or two leads should be run by the shortest path to the nearest water pipe, and one should be taken to the street side of the water meter. This one obviously cannot be soldered, but it should be securely attached with a good pipe clip. The pipe should first be thoroughly cleaned with emery cloth, then several layers of heavy tin foil wrapped round, after which the clip may be tightly bedded down on to the pipe. At the writer's station (2CM) the radiation with a certain small transmitting set was 1.3 amps., using one 7/20 earth wire. A second wire was then run to the street side of the water meter and the radiation increased to 1.5 amps., an increase of 200 milli-amps. A third wire was then connected to the water pipe between the two former ones, which resulted in a further increase of ten milli-amps. A fourth wire caused no further increase in radiation, so that it was reasonable to suppose that with three wires the resistance was reduced to a minimum. Now when a counterpoise was erected, and correctly tuned to the transmitted wave length, the radiation was further raised to 1.9 amps. The resistance of the aerial without counterpoise was six ohms. With the counterpoise, only two ohms. From these figures it will be seen how very important it is that resistance losses should be reduced as much as possible. Dealing with the erection and method of tuning the counterpoise, it can be considered to be an intermediate aerial, suspended directly between the main aerial and earth. It should be a "shadow" of the main aerial, with the same number of wires extending a few feet beyond at either end, and be of greater width. Like any aerial, it must be thoroughly insulated, and the lead-in wires brought into the operating-room through a proper insulator. The height above the ground varies under different conditions, but it should be high enough to allow one to walk freely underneath. Where a "T" aerial is used the counterpoise must also be a "T," and where the aerial is an "L" so also must be the counterpoise. As stated, it must be as like the aerial as possible.

Tuning the Counterpoise. The capacity of the aerial to earth being greater than the capacity of the aerial to counterpoise, it is obvious that either inductance must be placed in series with the counterpoise or capacity placed in series with the earth lead to correctly tune the circuits in resonance. When the circuits are properly adjusted removing either the ground connection or counterpoise connection will not change the antenna wave length, but will change the antenna resistance only. First disconnect the counterpoise clip and tune the aerial and earth alone to the desired wave length. Then disconnect the earth clip and tune again to the same wave length, using the counterpoise only. When this is done both earth and counterpoise may be connected. Now watch the hot-wire ammeter burst its G string! There are three methods of effecting this tuning. Figure 1 shows the easiest and least expensive way. First tune to the desired wave length with the aerial and counterpoise alone. Then try the ground clip on different turns until the point is found where the wave length is the same as with the counterpoise alone. The ground clip should be adjusted to within a half-turn on a large diameter helix. When the ground clip is at the neutral point the inductive impedance of the helix below the ground point tunes with the capacity impedance of the counterpoise, forming a series-tuned circuit of comparatively low resistance. The total antenna current divides between the earth and counterpoise inversely proportional to the effective resistances of the ground and counterpoise circuits. Figure 2 shows another method, using a separate inductance in the counterpoise lead. This inductance may consist of 50 turns of No. 18 D.C.C. wire wound on a tube of 3½ inches diameter. A heavy spring slider, ebonite insulated throughout, provides a turn to turn adjustment. With this arrangement the aerial is first tuned to the desired wave length with the earth only connected. Then the counterpoise is joined up, and the slider on the inductance moved slowly from turn to turn until a point is reached that gives the maximum reading on the aerial hot-wire ammeter. The circuits are then in proper adjustment. In Figure 3 a variable condenser is used in the earth lead. This condenser has to be capable of withstanding the full earth current, and is preferably a strongly-built one, with a fair spacing between the plates, immersed in oil. The capacity should be about .0015 micro-farad. The tuning is effected as in the last method, except that the aerial is first tuned to the desired wave length with the counterpoise alone. The experimenter who follows the advice given in the foregoing will find himself amply repaid for the slight expense and trouble involved, besides having the satisfaction of knowing that he "has done things right."

P.07 - Colville Moore Wireless Supplies Ad

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The Secret of Long Distance Reception of Morse Signals or Telephony lies in the Construction and Materials of the Wireless Receiving Set. Coupling experience, good workmanship, and material of the highest quality, we have produced a Receiver capable of operation over any desired wavelength from 200 to 20,000 metres. European and American stations are received on this set with ease, and, provided a good aerial system is available, telephony over a range of 100 to 300 miles is possible.


Apparatus and parts for the construction of your own set comprise another of our specialities, and our stock and prices are worthy of your inspection. All apparatus and materials supplied by us is guaranteed best procurable on the world's markets.


P.08 - New Zealand Amateur's Record

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New Zealand Amateur's Record; American Stations Received; Has Anyone Done Better?

EVERY radio experimenter in Australia and New Zealand will be intensely interested in the remarkable success achieved by Mr. R. Slade, of Waimataitai (N.Z.), in his effort to pick up American amateur stations. Mr. Slade is one of the keenest experimenters in N.Z., and his most recent success is a call to amateurs in Australia to emulate what he has done. Nothing serves to emphasise the progress made by radio experimenters in recent years more than the fact that countries like Australia and New Zealand, although separated from America by a wide expanse of ocean, can be brought into daily touch through the agency of the "magic spark." It is impossible to accurately describe the feelings of the "listener-in" who is able to decipher the call signs, indicating that his aerial has picked up such distant stations as Los Angeles, New York City, Fort Worth, Texas, San Francisco, Seattle, San Diego, etc. A station of high efficiency is necessarily required to accomplish such excellent reception, and every amateur cannot afford this at the beginning. The work carried out by those who can, however, indicates the high standard of efficiency of the radio experimenters in Australia and New Zealand, and acts as an inspiration to present and prospective enthusiasts to endeavour to excel their efforts. Any other experimenter who has achieved results similar to or better than Mr. Slade is invited to forward full particulars for publication in Radio. A full list of call signs heard by Mr. Slade, together with the name of the station and the owner's address, is published hereunder.

The stations heard loudest by Mr. Slade are situated on the Pacific Coast of the United States, and following are particulars:—

  • Call. Owner and Address of Station.
  • 6KA — F. E. Nikirk, 1050 W. 89th St., Los Angeles, Cal.
  • 6IF — L. J. Reidman, 1731 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach, Cal.
  • 6JD — V. M. Bitz, 825 53rd St., Los Angeles, Cal.
  • 5PX — E. Colston, Tipton, 200 Clark Ave., Fort Worth, Texas.
  • 6AVR — C. Yates, R.F.D. No. 3, Box 104A, Fullerton, Cal.

Other stations also heard by Mr. Slade at various periods are:—

  • Call. Owner and Address of Station.
  • 1EL — Roger E. Bates, 184 Pine St., Wollaston, Massachusetts.
  • 2FP — Harold Peiler, 321 E. 90th Street, New York City.
  • 5GJ — John McCaal, 1021 Fairmount St., Anniston, Alabama.
  • 5PB — James Greenwood, 9218 Main St., Houston, Texas.
  • 5SF — H. Hendrix, 1616 Worth St., Fort Worth, Texas.
  • 5XT — H. S. Richards, Radio Shop, 1911 Washin St., Oklahama City, Okla.
  • 5XAJ — (No record).
  • 5ZAK — (No record).
  • 6EN — H. A. and E. C. Duvall, 4965 Wadsworth St., Los Angeles, Cal.
  • 6KU — C. C. Brown, Volta Power House, Manton, Shasta Co., Cal.
  • 6PD — J. J. McArdle, 263 Day St., San Francisco, Cal.
  • 6ZI — (No record).
  • 6ZZ — Harry L. Gooding, Douglas, Arizona.
  • 6GG — H. W. Larkin, 2487 Aytadina Ave., Pasadena, Cal.
  • 6VM — P. Parsons, 633 Middlefield Rd., Pals Alto, Cal.
  • 6BO — H. M. Preston, 514 Macdonald Ave., Richmond, Cal.
  • 6TI — H. R. Greer, 414 Fairmount St., Oakland, Cal.
  • 6JN — B. Brener, 1284 W. 67th St., Emeryville, Cal.
  • 6BCR — C. Foreman, 1714 Alameda Ave., Alameda, Cal.
  • 6XAD — Lawrence Mott, Avalon, Cal.
  • 6AVD — J. R. Alsip, R.F.D. No. 3, Box 735, Watts, Cal.
  • 6ANH — D. E. Chambers, 639 E. St., San Diego, Cal.
  • 6AWP — E. Thacher, 407 W. First St., Santa Ana, Cal.
  • 6ARB — C. Duncan, 3029 Baket St., San Fran., Cal.
  • 6AJF — Frank E. Jones, 1822 Hearst Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
  • 6BQC — (No record).
  • 7SC — W. A. C. Hemrich, 503 Melrose Ave., Seattle, Wn.
  • 7GS — Lyle Evans, 518 No. 79th St., Seattle, Wn.
  • 7ZU — (No record).
  • 7LR — Royal Howard, 425 Ellsworth St., Albany, Oreg.
  • 8ZY — H. A. Deurk, Defiance, Ohio.
  • 8BXX — Homer Forschner, 7 Ford St., Norwalk, Ohio.
  • 8CEI — (No record).
  • 9UU — Roy William Weisbach, 6784 So State St., Chicago, Ill.
  • 9GK — C. and W. Quinn, 425 Sherry St., Neenah, Wisconish.
  • 9LG — Darl F. Wood, 311 W. Exchange St., Jerseyville, Ill.
  • 9VAJ — St. Claff College, Northfield, Minn.
  • 9BED — Leslie B. Essington, 4412 Farlm Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
  • 9AJP — Albert P. Upton, 2328 Taylor St., Minneapolis, Minn.
  • 9CNS — (No record).
  • 9AWM — Lloid V. Berkner, 117 E. Summitt St., Sleepy Eye, Minn.
  • 9BSG — (No record).
  • 9XAC — Karlowa Rds. Cpn,, 611 Best Bldg., Rock Isld., Ill.
  • 9ANS — Clarence A. Gunther, 320 40th St,, Omaha, Neb.
  • 9DPD — Marson H. French, 423 E. First St., Hutchinson, Kans.
  • 9DGE — Harold Olson, 4217 S. Sheridan Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.
  • 9CXP — (No record).
  • 9AYU — Aubrey H. Williams, 1630 Adams Rt., Denver, Cal.
  • 9CIP — (No record).

The illustrations accompanying this article show Mr. Slade's receiving apparatus, sketch of aerial arrangement, and diagram of circuit connections. The situation of the station is on a hill about 200 feet above sea level and about half a mile from the sea. The aerial is of the inverted L type, and consists of three 16-gauge copper wires, 2ft. 6in. apart, 110ft. long, and leading-in wires 15ft. long. One end of the aerial is supported by a pole 40 ft. high, the other end being suspended from the top part of the house, 22 ft. high. Earthing system consists of one lead to a water pipe and another lead to a washhouse copper, filled with ashes to retain the moisture, buried about 6 feet below the ground. Diagram of connections is reproduced herewith, and it will be seen that the circuit is an ordinary regenerative, which with the new regulations is now prohibited in New Zealand. C1 is a variable condenser .001 mfd, C2 .0005 mfd., and C3 .001 mfd. All variation of tuning is done by the aerial tuning condenser C1 and C3 across phones and B battery, final adjustments being made by the filament resistance until CW signals come in with maximum strength. The phones used are Brande's superior 2,000 ohms resistance, the B battery being made from accumulator plates cut up and placed in test tubes 6 inches long and 1 inch diameter. Several valves have been used, including Marconi ER, Mullard-Ora, Cunningham and V24. The Marconi ER and V24 bring in the signals loudest, but when using the V24 static is not so noticeable and only 20 volts are used on the plate. The tuning coils used are made up as follows: Primary consists of 20 turns of No. 20 D.C.C. wire wound on a thin cylindrical frame, 4¼ inches diameter. No taps are taken from this coil, tuning being effected by the condenser C1. No shellac is used, the wire being kept in place by silk thread. The tickler or reaction coil consists of 20 turns of 20 gauge D.C.C. wire, also on a cylindrical frame 4 inches in diameter, no taps or shellac being used with this coil either. The coupling between the two coils is always kept tight. Mr. Slade states that he has used both Duo-Lateral and Giblin Remler coils, but he does not consider they are as good as the two coils he is using for short wave reception. With the above described coils and the condenser C1 in series he is able to get American amateur stations on 200 metres anywhere between 10° and 110° on the 180° condenser coil. Vernier condenser or lever attachment on the tuning condensers is necessary, as the stations have exceptionally sharp tuning, the capacity of the hand cutting them right out altogether. Mr. Slade intercepts the American amateur stations as early as 6.30 p.m. New Zealand Mean Time, and as late as 12.30 a.m.

P.14 - Club Notes & News

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Wireless Institute of Australia

NEW SOUTH WALES DIVISION. THE Annual Dinner of this Division was held at the Pekin Caff, Sydney, on Tuesday evening, March 20, and a most convivial time was spent. Owing to pressure of business, the President (Mr. C. P. Bartholomew) was unable to attend, so Mr. F. Basil Cooke (Vice-President) was Chairman for the evening. A most excellent menu was arranged by the Council, ea.ch course being appropriately coupled with radio terms and members names. It is reprinted hereunder: MENU: Oscillating Olives Souperegenerative Soup, with Grid Leeks Crocker Dial Soup Single Slide Oysters Knob and Dial Pie Flat,. Top Beef Perried Rice Mjri1,a,.Yed Marrow Stowed Sauce Ci:Jo.lfed Carrots Unearthed Potatoes Broadcasted Beans Tickler Tarts Eddy Currents Aerial Waters for small capacities Quenching Beer for larger capacities · (50 farads and upwards) Singing Spark Cigarettes

The toasts of the evening were: The King. The Institute (proposed by Mr. S. E. Tatham, responded by Mr. I<'. Basil Cooke). The Visitors (proposed by Mr. P. Renshaw, responded by Messrs. W. T. Crawford, W. M. Maclardy, R. Steane and S. E. Tatham). ·when proposing the toast of "The Institute" Mr. Tatham briefly outlined the progress of amateur wireless in Australia during the past twelve months, and instanced the many changes that had taken place "Last year," said Mr. Tatham, "there were only .about three experimental wireless bodies in Sydney, but to-day there is, in addition to several city clubs. a club in practically every one of the leading suburbs around Sydney, as well as other States. Where last year there were only two or three firms retailing exparimental wireless apparatus, at the present time there are at least twenty firms handling goods for wireless enthusiasts. I think," continued Mr. Tatham, "that that is evidence of the great progress amateur wireless has made since your last Annual Dinner, and I hope that the progress will be such during the ensuing year that at your next Annual Dinner your membership

will have increased to such proportions that you will have six tables instead of one." Mr. Tatham then told the gathering of his impressions of wireless work generally in Canada and the United States of America gained during a recent business trip. He described a visit to the highpower trans-ocean wireless stations of the Radio Corporation of America that communicate direct from San Francisco to Honolulu and Japan. At each point there are two stations, one for receiving and one for transmitting, the former being situated 40 miles and the latter 65 miles from San Francisco, the distance between the two, being approximately 45 miles. These stations are operated direct from the heart of San Francisco by means of a .long distance control, and so heavy is the traffic handled that they work duplex practically all the time. As for broadcasting this was a great innovation in practically every home in America, and although there was great confusion "in the air" some time ago the various broadcasters .had got together, and now all stations work to a schedule. "In Los Angeles," said Mr.· Tatham, "quite recently several of the leading broadcasting stations joined forces, scrapped their stations, and built one big station, and

since this ha:;i been operating there has been a marked improvement in the service and mueh "jamming" has been eliminated." Great work is done by members of the American Radio Relay League, he stated, and some of the members have magnificent stations. . Mr. Basil Cooke in responding cordially thallked Mr. Tatham for the American mdio information he had given members, alllo for his good wishes for the Institute's welfare.· Mr. Cooke, too, hoped that the coming year would be a prosperous one for the Institute, and desired to see a much bigger gather:ng at the next Annual Dinner. Mr. Renshaw, In proposing the toast of "The Visitors" (Messrs. Crawford, Tatham, Maclardy an<l Steane) very heartily welcomed them as the Institute's guests, and then outlined the work of the Institute during the preceding year. Mr .. Renshaw said: "I wish to. Impress upon. our visitors that the Institute is not, as has been stated in some quarters, connected, governed or Influenced by any party, parties, company or organisation. The Institute is governed by its own council, and its aim Is to further the interests o_f wireless experimenters." In conclusion, Mr. Renshaw said he hoped that the visitors would be with them again next year. In responding to the toast of "The Visitors," Mr. W. T. Crawford (Government Radio Inspector) thanked Mr. Renshaw for the he.arty welcome extended. He then explained the matter of honorary radio inspectors being appointed to assist in having the regulations complied with, and brought to members' attention the number of unlicensed stations there must be, and also the number of licensed stations that are breaking the-regulations. A lot of experimenters are using valves and allowing the:in to "howl," thus causing interference with other stations. Mr. Crawford also pointed out that e.xperim_ ental wave lengths should be kept down to 425 metres, as above that they are liable to Interfere with commercial work on 460 metres. In conclusion, he stated that wireless experimenters are a great asset to Australia. and in the course of his duty in examining amateurs for valve licenses he found that their knowledge of wireless and telegraphic speed was very good; in fact, far above expectations. Mr. W. M. Maclardy (Wireless Weekly) also responded, and fully agreed with Mr. Crawford's remarks regarding experimenters observing, ·regulations. Mr. Maclardy also stressed unity of experimenters, and considered that they would achieve far more abiding by regulations and working collectively than proceeding haphazardly individually. Mr. S·teane, a visitor from the Victorian Division, also responded. and stated that very good results were being achieved with honorary radio inspectors in Melbourne. Mr. Malcom Perry, in the course of a speech, welcomed back to the Institute one of its oldest members and a former president, Mr. Spencer Nolan. Mr. Perry said he remembered back in the old days when Mr. Nolan had a 6-inch spark coil and a rotary spark gap-operated by water power, Which W&.s considered to be bqth 11, unique

and an efficient arrangement in thol!le days. The first thing Mr. Nolan did when responding was to correct Mr. Perry by saying: "It was not a 6-inch coll I had, but a 12-inch." (Laughter.} He then said he was · pleased to be among the Institute members once again, and hoped to see them more frequently in the future. The pleasant evening concluded with everybody joining hands and :iinging "Auld Lang Syne." SOUTH AUSTRALIAN DIVISION. The March meeting of the above Society was held at the University of Adelaide on Wednesday, March 7. The President (Mr. Hambly Clarke) mentioned the recent visit of the Radio Inspector (Mr.· Martin), who emphasised the fact that no circuit capable of energizing the aerlal was permissable under the existing regulations. In · his remarks Mr. Clarke mentioned that interference to local telephony sometlmeA occurs. Some very fine programmes are presented which are often marred by oscillating valves. Fortunately, however, this trouble seems to be cut down to a very appreciable extent now. Mr. Bland supplemented the President's remarks by exhibiting and explaining cir-

cults that comply with the above rule. He drew a number of practical circuits utilising one or two valves which have been proved to be of exceptional merit. Mr. R. B. Caldwell then described and exhibited an easy method of receiving from the A.C. lighting mains. By means of an ordinary adaptor and a length of flex It is possible to couple an ordinary receiving set, without any_ further apparatus, direct to the mains and obtain excellent results with both crystal and valves. A general discussion followed the lectures. . A s1Jec;-ial ci;,mmitte~ have been appointed

to secure a suitable room, where it Is hoped to instal the transmitting and receiving sets, and also carry out the construction of apparatus. practical demonstr~tions, etc. WAVERLEY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB. The meetings during the past couple of months have been largely attended. The Club is now open on Tuesday nights for buzzer practice and technical discussions. Additional me.mbers have been enrolled, and a boom Is anticipated in the near future. Messrs. Howell and Lavington have been appointed delegates to the Radio Ar.sociatlon of New South Wales . . The Club's new tuner has be.en. Installed, and is working in a most satisfactory manner, all the Australian and New Zealand coast stations and ships being copied easily on one valve. Several concerte have also been received. After a great deal of discussion It has been practically decided to install a single tube transmitting set with an electrolytic rectifier. When funds permit a two-valve rectifier and more power tubes will be added. The Club has also entered for the TransPacific Tests, and for some time to come its activities will be concentrated in preparing for this .event. All communications regarding the Club should be addressed to: G. ·Thomson, 87 McPherson Street. Waverley. ILLAWARRA RADIO CLUB. Excellent attendances have been a feature · of this Club's meetings during the past few months.

A transmitting and receiving licence has been granted to Mr. C. A. Gorman on be-· half of the Club, and great activity is now being displayed in putting the station in proper working order. Renewed Interest amongst members is certain to be evinced once the sets are in operation. One highly interesting lecture delivered before members recently was that on "Crystals," by Mr. Watkin-Brown. Mr. Brown's knowledge of mineralogy and crystallography enabled him to explain many interesting facts concerning crystals, which do not, as a rule, enter into the considerations of the average amateur, and the information gained was greatly appreciated. At a later meeting Mr. Gorman lectured on "Experimental Wireless from 1911 to 1923," in the course of which he related some interesting f~cts concerning the doings of experimenters of some ten years ag o. He produced a log showing the numerous stations heard and worked. including Macquarie Island (MQI), which was consistently logged---a record for those days. Mr. Gorman concluded with a reference to recent valve experiments, pointing out the great results which are being achieved through the use of radio frequency amplification. The April meetings of the Club will be held on the evenings of the 12th and 26th. The Secretary's address is Mr. W. D. Graham, 44 Cameron Street, Rockdale. NORTH SYDNEY RADIO CLUB. The members of the above Club have been exceedingly busy during the past month. Much practical work has been undertaken, and in addition a fine series of lectures have engaged members" attention. Mr. C. McClure lectured on "C.W Receivers," and Mr Raymond McIntosh in a series of three disc01\rses 11lealt exhaustively with "Amplification." The last lecture was devoted· solely to the Armstrong super-regenerative receiver. LEICH HARDT AND DISTRl~T RADIO SOCIETY. The membership · of this Club Is gradu.. ally increasing, due to the fact that business of interest to all radio experimenters is regularly served up. Mr. w. J. Zech delivered two lectures during February, the first on "Inductance" and the second on "The Condenser and its Uses" Mr. F. Thompson also lectured on""Alternating Currents." Members expressed their lteenest appreciation of the information gleaned from these lectures. · The Society has now been in existence six months. and judging by its record will accomplish much useful work before the year is out. MA RRICKVILLE AND DISTRICT RADIO CLUB. The radio enthusiasts of Marrickvllle · and District have not been slow to show their appreciation of the above Club. The membership is constantly increasing, and now includes several ladles: A qualified wireless operator Is present a t all meet-

ings, and the office-bearers include two radio mechanics, whose advice and assistance regarding the construction of apparatus is always eagerly availed of by members. The Club receiving set will be In operation in the near future. A publicity and entertainment committee has taken charge of social matters, and a dance Is to be held at an_ early date. The Secretary (Mr. R. G. Ellis) is thoroughly experienced in radio matters. He was apprenticed to the trade eleven years ago, and later served with the Wireless Squadron in India, Egypt and Arabia during the war Can It be wondered that a Club so well equipped with competent and enthusiastic officers should make the excellent progress which has marked the Marrickvllle's Club's existence? MANLY RADIO CLU B. The Manly and District Radio Club was formed on February 26 under circumstances which tested t he enthusiasm and initiative of all who made up their minds to be present. Firstly, heavy showers of rain made outdoor conditions unpleasant, and, seconc;lly, the failure of the electric light rendered It necessary to use candles to light the hall. But neither the rain nor the poor illumination affected the enthusiasm of those present, and when the meeting was well in progress, under t he able chairmanship of Mr. F. C. Swinburne (one ·of the promoters of the Club), the "juice" once more consented to flow, and the room was flooded with light. After the objects of the meeting had been explained, and the desirability of forming a club affirmed, the various matters incldental thereto were decided by the meeting. Twenty-seven members joined the buzzer class, which it wM decided should be held every Wednesday evening. The election of officers resulted as follows: President: Mr. F. C. Swinburne. Vice-President: Mr. A. Brown. Secretary: Mr. O. Sandel. Treasurer: Mr. F. Clark. Committee: Messrs. M. Dixon, C. Crocker and B. Symes. At the first General Meeting of the Club, held on March 5, the business co~slsted of a lantern lecture on the world s high-power wireless stations by Mr. F. C. Swinburne. The lecturer dealt with his subject In a lucid <!-nd interesting manner, and the large audience WM enabled to appreciate the scope and dimensions of radio work In different parts of the world. KURING -GAI RADIO SOCiETY. Excellent progress has marked the activities of the above Club since the inaugural meeting early In December. The membership is now close to the fifty mark, and at the steady rate of · progress being achieved; it should soon be doubled. At the first meeting In March Mr. R. Hill lectured on valve circuits, in the course of which he explained all about high and low frequency amplification. The Society has joined up with· the newly-formed Radio Association of New South Wales, and on a ballot being taken Mr. Renshaw was elected as delegate.

P.16 - When Radio Enters the Home

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When Radio Enters the Home. What It Will Mean to Rural Australia. A Peep into the Near Future.

N O one who has followed the truly remarkable progress made by rijdio during the past few years can doubt that the time is close at hand when, by means of radio telephony, thousands · of homes throughout Australia will be · brought into intimate touch with the outside world. In seeking for an object lesson as to how far the broadcasting of concerts, news, weather report.s and other items will go towards improving the lot of the people living in isolated districts we cannot do better than · turn · to America. With their usual enterprise in making the most of any invention or discovery which looks like making life easier and pleasanter, and business more profitaple, the Americans have exploited the possibilities of radio broadcasting to its full\est iextent. Not only have receiving sets been installed in tens of thousands of homes for the entertainment of the inmates, but banks and other big institutions have installed transmitting and receiving set.s for the express purpose of providing a service of practical value to their numerous clients. The most specialised farm broadcasting in America to-day is carried out by the leading banking institutions, which send out the latest market reports daily to their country clients, thus enabling them to forward their produce to market when the best prices are ruling-. Not content with that. a service has also been arranged !by which the latest weather report.s and other items of intense lor.al interest are received at the head offices of the banks and posted on boards for the information of country customers who may be in town. America thus teaehes a lesson to Australia. Here country folk visiting the capital cities have to rely on the scanty information posted outside the G.P.O. to apprise them of the weather conditions prevailing in the different dist: rfotEJ, 'l'h.~!J~ mar see:m imrnn thingEJ

interest to those concerned, and the country which pays most attention to them is on the high road towards ensuring national prosperity through the agency of rural settlement. To obtain an even more arresting picture of what a radio broadcasting service will mean to thousands of homes in outback Australia, it is only necessary to visualise the tremendous boon which the general adoption of motor cars, telephones, mail services, etc., has been to those·who have dedicated their lives to pioneering work · in the "great outback." Prior to the introduction of motor cars any district not directly on a railway line had to be content with a transport service conducted by slow, if sure, horse or bullock teams. The coming of the "buzz waggon" altered that.

Similarly, the introduction of· telephones and the establishment of mail services helped, within limitations, to destroy 'the hitherto hopeless isolation inseparable from rural settlement. It now remains for radio, the greatest discovery of- all time, to bridge the gap separating country from city in a way which no other means of communication can hope to equal, let alone excel. . . · The stately mansion situated in ·close proximity to the city and the more humble abode out on the edge of the Never Never will be put on an equal footing, so far as communication is concerned, when ~adio broadcasting becomes an established fact in Australia. Briefly, the lines on which it is anticipated broadcasting will be conducted in the Commonwealth will

probably be similar to those obtaining in England. The issue of the regulations governing this phase of the matter will define the position, which, in effect, will be that companies willing and able to· undertake broadcasting will be obliged to conform to certain laws regarding the manufacture and sale of apparatus. A standard type of receiving set will be manufactured, which, for all practical purposes, will be foolproof. Whether the purchaser lives in close proximity to Sydney or any other broadcasting centre, or hundreds of miles away, . makes no di,fference. Each set will be equipped and adjusted according to the distance over which it will have to receive, and in this way the purchaser will have an absolute guarantee of service. Simple Sets. Each set will be simplicity itself, and it can be definitely stated that anyone able to manipulate an ordinary phonograph or a player-piano will be quite at home with a radio receiving set. No technical or mechanical skill whatsoever is neerled, and the few simple adjustments which have to be carried out when it is desired to operate the set will be sc clearly explained that a child could follow them. The erection of the aerial will be equally simple-just a single wire running from two elevated points, the higher · the better. · ·. · · · · What It Will Oost: It necessarily follows that the cost of a set to receive, say, ·over 500 miles, will be slightly higher than one operating over a quarter or half that . distance. This is accounted · for by the fact that while one valve may suffice over the shorfer distance, two or more will be required when receiving over a greater ·range; In any case, the cost of. the whole outfit, even for the longest" distances, will not exceed that paid for a:ri average· gramophone. Included in this amouut will be the cost of the annual license for

receiving the broadcast programmes. A percentage of this sum will go to the broadcasting company to recoup it for the expense incurred, and the remainder will go to the Government. Broadcasting Programmes. It is confidently anticipated that the Australian public will expect only the very highes_t class of vocal and instrumental items to be broadcasted for their entertainment. Bearing this in mind, it can be said with equal confidence that nothing but the best will be offered. them, regardless of expense. Programmes · of the various itenis to be broadcasted will be published daily, and all interested will know at exactly what hour the music, weather and market reports, etc., will be sent out. When the scheme is properly organised it is highly probable that in order to reach even the most distant centres, stations will be established ia various parts of the country. The music, etc., from the chief broadcasting centre will be transmitted to these stations over special telephone wires, and from there radiated over the district to be served. This will ensure a service of the very highest quality at a minimum of expense to those living in isolated localities. The truly wonderful sensation of hearing the human voice coming out of space, with all the clearness and quality that one is accustomed to in a faceto- face conversation, will be one not easily forgotten. It is something which will grip Australians as it has gripped the people of other countries. 'fhere will, however, · be this difference. The confusion and chaos which characterised the commencement of broadcasting in those countries, notably America, will be absent here. The delay in framing regula0 tiom; and perfecting an ·organisation which some people are complaining of will later on be recognised as having been well worth while.

P.18 - Call Letters

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Call Letters.

This is the first list of call letters of Australian and New Zealand ship and land stations. In subsequent issues of "Radio" further lists will appear, all of which should be preserved so that readers will have a complete list of both local and overseas stations.— Ed.

  • VHA s.s. Hobart.
  • VHB s.s. Levuka.
  • VHD s.s. Kanowna.
  • VHE s.s. Karoola.
  • VHF s.s. Bombala.
  • VHG s.s. Emita.
  • VHH s.s. Eromanga.
  • VHI s.s. Iron Baron.
  • VHJ s.s. Erriba.
  • VHK s.s. Wodonga.
  • VHL s.s. Dimboola.
  • VHM s.s. Kangaroo.
  • VHN s.s. Katoomba.
  • VHO s.s. Canberra.
  • VHP s.s. Nairana.
  • VHQ s.s. Fiona.
  • VHR s.s. Flora.
  • VHS s.s. Lady Loch.
  • VHT s.s. Montoro.
  • VHU s.s. Mataram.
  • VHV s.s. Yankalilla.
  • VHW s.s. Wyandra.
  • VHX s.s. Victoria.
  • VHY s.s. Ulimaroa.
  • VHZ s.s. Baldina.
  • VIA Adelaide Radio.
  • VIB Brisbane Radio.
  • VIC Cooktown Radio.
  • VID Darwin Radio.
  • VIE Esperance Radio.
  • VIF Woodlark Island Radio.
  • VIG Port Moresby Radio.
  • VIH Hobart Radio.
  • VII Thursday Island Radio.
  • VIJ Samarai Radio.
  • VIK s.s. Time.
  • VIL Flinders Island Radio.
  • VIM Melbourne Radio.
  • VIN Geraldton Radio.
  • VIO Broome Radio.
  • VIP Perth Radio.
  • VIQ s.s. Buninyong.
  • VIR Rockhampton Radio.
  • VIS Sydney Radio.
  • VIT Townsville Radio.
  • VIU Kieta Radio.
  • VIV Madang Radio.
  • VIW Wyndham Radio
  • VIX Misima Radio.
  • VJA s.s. Riverina.
  • VJB s.s. Westralia.
  • VJC s.s. Zealandia.
  • VJD s.s. Bingera.
  • VJE s.s. Cooma.
  • VJF s.s. Morinda.
  • VJG s.s. Wyreema.
  • VJH s.s. Loongana.
  • VJI s.s. Suva.
  • VJJ s.s. Aramac.
  • VJK s.s. Gilgai.
  • VJL s.s. Werribee.
  • VJM s.s. Alabama.
  • VJP s.s. Bulla.
  • VJQ s.s. Boonah.
  • VJR s.s. Barambah.
  • VJS s.s. Bukara.
  • VJT s.s. Boorara.
  • VJV s.s. Araluen.
  • VJW s.s. Dongarra.
  • VJY s.s. Mindini.
  • VJZ Rabaul Radio.
  • VKA s.s. Barunga.
  • VKB s.s. Merriwa.
  • VKC s.s. Milluna.
  • VKD s.s. Aldinga.
  • VKE s.s. Aroona.
  • VKF s.s. Aeon.
  • VKG s.s. Wear.
  • VKH s.s. Saros.
  • VKI s.s. Mallina.
  • VKJ s.s. Chronos.
  • VKK s.s. Century.
  • VKL s.s. Monaro.
  • VKM s.s. Woolgar.
  • VKN Navy Office, Melbourne.
  • VKO H.M.A.S. Cerberus.
  • VKP Flinders Naval Base.
  • VKQ Garden Island Base.
  • VKR Cockburn Sound Base.
  • VKS Port Stephens Base.
  • VKT Nauru Radio.
  • VKU s.s. Parattah.
  • VKV s.s. Arawatta.
  • VKW s.s. Ceduna.
  • VKX s.s. Goulburn.
  • VKY s.s. Marsina.
  • VKZ s.s. Burwah.
  • VLA Awanui Radio.
  • VLB Awarua Radio.
  • VLC Chatham Islands.
  • VLD Auckland Radio.
  • VLH s.s. Kaiapoi.
  • VLI s.s. Kaitangata.
  • VLQ s.s. Kanna.
  • VLS s.s. Mapourika.
  • VLT s.s. Kaituna.
  • VLW Wellington Radio.
  • VLX s.s. Tutanekai.
  • VLY s.s. Paloona.
  • VMA s.s. Arahura.
  • VMB s.s. Karori.
  • VMC s.s. Kauri.
  • VMD s.s. Koromiko.
  • VME s.s. Rakanoa.
  • VMF s.s. Tarawera.
  • VMG Apia Radio.
  • VMH s.s. Terawhiti.
  • VMI s.s. Rewa.
  • VML s.s. Whangape.
  • VMM s.s. Monowai.
  • VMN s.s. Katoa.
  • VMO s.s. Waipori.
  • VMP s.s. Wanaka.
  • VMQ Raratonga Radio.
  • VMR s.s. Rotomahana.
  • VMS s.s. Mararoa.

P.20 - Direct Radio Service to England

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The Link That Will Bind. Direct Radio Service to England. Last Barrier Removed.

F. EELINGS of relief and satisfaction were felt . on all sides · sides at the recent announcement that the British Government had decided to allow private enter~ prise to erect radio stations in England, capable of transmitting direct with overseas countries. For many months the question was in abeyance, and beyond an admission that the "Government was considering the matter," the Prime Minister (Mr. ·Bonar Law) would make no definite ·statement. Now that the issue ·is decided, and the path ahead quite clear, those interested . in spreading the network of radio between the most scattered portions of the British Empire may be expected to get busy. . The next two years should witness unprecedented activity in the erection and operation of high-power radio stations. Once that becomes an accomplished fact the few remaining doubtful ones regarding the value of an inter-Empire radio service will li.ave their . fears dispelled. Most people are aware of the partnership existing between the Australian Government and Amalgamated Wireless (Aust.), Ltd., for the conduct of a direct high-power wireless service between Australia and England. Business men in both countries rejoice that the inauguration of this service will mean a one-third reduction in the present cost of cabling, added to which the messages will be handled with a consistency .. and., ,despatch which the best organised cable service could never hope to equal. This cost-cutting will unquestionably stimulate business at the very outset, mainly because of the in,creased facilities it will afford for, ascertaining the requirements of the different countries. Furthermore, the · wireless transmission of news at a cheaper rate than at present will enable the daily newspapers in both countries to de-

vote considerably· more ·space to publishing ,news matt.er calc:ulated to bring the peoples Qf. the different countries into· closer and more inti ·mate touch~ Isolation· breeds misunderstanding and . distrust; to say nothing of perpetuating in . .the minds ·of the ·people of-the British Isles an 'ignorance regar~ing··t~e possibilities

and aspirations of Australia, which is as regrettable as it is harmful. The defence of the British Empire is . also another matter definitely linked up with the -establishment of · long-distance radio services: The cable lines invariably receive the attention of the enemy immediately on the· outbreak of war, and once this means of communication is severed

serious ~ position. arises. A direct radio service will obviate thIS possi.~ bility[check spelling], mainly because the- stations will b~ located in a position practi cally immune from attack, and once1 the messages are transmitted their safe reception follows as a matter of course. . Australia may well · congratulate

herself that. in a comparatively short time she will be placed in- a forefront position s·o far as up-to-date commu- . nication with other parts of the world is concerned. No fears need be felt as to the ultimate success of the venture, and it is safe t_o pr~phesy that a few years himce people. will wonder how anf progr_ess worth mentioning was ach1ev_ed without the aid of radio.

P.22 - Obituary - Mr. L. L. Meredith

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Obituary - Mr. L. L. Meredith

Wireless men throughout Australia, New Zealand and other parts of the world will be sorry to read that Mr. Llewellyn L. Meredith, late Traffic Manager of Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia), Ltd., passed away in Sydney on March 18, and it is with very deep regret that we record his death in these columns. The late Mr. Meredith was born in London on February 24, 1885, and first became associated in commercial wireless with the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of England in March 1910. After serving as junior operator on the Empress of Britain and Ben-My Chree, he was in May, 1910, appointed senior operator of the Montrose, and later served on the Himalaya, Batavier III., China and St. Louis. In November, 1910, he crossed the United States and joined the Union Company R.M.S. Aorangi in San Francisco, and thus entered the Australian service. During his time at sea in the Australian service he served on the Tofua, Bombala, Maunganui, Kanowna and Katoomba, and in January, 1913, was appointed sea-going Sub-Inspector of Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia), Ltd. In May, 1915, he was transferred to the Sydney office, and later was appointed Traffic Manager. He held this position until 1920, when, owing to ill health, he reluctantly resigned from the Company, and since then has been residing in Sydney. The funeral took place at Rookwood Cemetery, Sydney, on Monday, March 19, and those present included: Mr. F. W. Larkins (representing Amalgamated Wireless, Ltd.), Captain S. Toombs (representing Radio Telegraphists' Institute), Mr. A. R. Mancer (Marconi Schools of Wireless), Mr. S. E. Tatham (The Wireless Press), Mr. A. Vipan (Technical Department Amalgamated Wireless), Messrs. P. M. Farmer and W. H. C. Phillips (Inspectors, Traffic Department); Sub-Inspectors T. A. Jones (s.s. Katoomba), H. Johnson (s.s. Kanowna), A. Beard (s.s. Victoria); Wireless Operators: J. W. Mackay, G. Pow, F. A. Cooke, J. F. McGinley, T. O. Sexton, E. F. Hayes; Mr. De Laurence, of Cronulla, N.S.W., and Mr. S. Stacey, of Stacey & Co, Sydney. The many wireless men who came in contact with the late Mr. Meredith will well remember him for his great personality, and being a very popular man, he had a wide circle of friends quite outside the wireless sphere altogether. On our own and their behalf we extend the deepest sympathy to his family, who reside in England, in their sad bereavement.