International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Kyrgyzstan

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  • The country was a region of the former Soviet Union and became an independent country in 1991.
  • The earliest date known for a meter stamp with distinctive Kyrgyzstan inscription is 1997. The one stamp seen is inscribed “КЫРГЫЗ РЕСПУБ” (Kyrgyz Republic).
  • Meter stamps with former Soviet Union markings are known used without alteration after independence.

1. Perm (MV).

Upright octagon with inner box around value figures.
“ПОЧТА” (Post) at top and “ТЫЙЫН” (tyiyn - Kyrgyzstan currency) at bottom.
Country name “КЫРГЫЗ / РЕСПУБ” (Kyrgyz Republic) stacked at sides.
Date vertical, and value figures stacked.
V/F: 000

2. Perm (MV).

Horizontal rectangle with panels at top and bottom.
The top panel contains the country name in both Cyrillic and Western alphabets.
The bottom panel contains “ПОЧТА”.
Horizontal bottom panel lines are broken by "COM" (som - Kyrgyzstan currency) at top and the meter number at bottom.
Meter number with "ПП" prefix.
TM: SC with bars above and below the date
V/F: 0000